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Essential New Learnings (May 11-15)

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When you get a chance, check out our attached learning plan and teaching tip about "productive struggle." Some parents have asked great questions about correcting student work so I have some tips on that topic too!

Please continue to encourage your child to spell phonetically and not expect perfect spelling. I am so happy that they've been doing "kindergarten" spelling! They might try to ask you to spell every word for them, but please ask them to "say the word slowly and write a letter for each sound you hear - If you don't know just take your best guess!" If you keep responding with this verbiage, they will stop asking you. You could also put their sight word chart (here) in front of them so that they can check their spelling for those words. Please know that their spelling will improve as they learn more spelling patterns and sight words! It's important that they take risks in spelling and practice applying their letter sound knowledge through frequent writing.

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